
Above all, Love. Ahava.

אָהַב. Ahava. The Hebrew word for love. "The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31. A few weeks ago, I helped a friend teach a painting class for elementary school children, and the kids were told to paint something that reminds them of love. At the end of the class each kid told us what their paintings were about. Some were funny, and some kind of surprised me. Some paintings in particular really stood out to me. One little girl, painted two cats hugging. She said "These cats love each other because they are best friends.". Another little girl painted the moon, with a smiley face on it. She told me that when you love someone, you can always see it. Even in daytime. A (4 year old!) little boy painted himself with two other people. He told me that love is when his dad gives him and 'mommy' a hug or a 'kissy' when he comes home from work. The last two girls painted a cross, and ...

You Are Valuable.

I realized something this afternoon as I looked in the mirror. Almost every day, for years, I've been thinking the same type of thoughts whenever I look at my reflection. Thoughts like, "I'll be beautiful when I lose ___ pounds. ", "I won't look good if I don't straighten my hair.", "if I don't get a nose job someday, my nose will always make me look like a boy ." , "I'll never be attractive if I don't get rid of my acne.", "maybe, I'll be more successful if I'm skinny ." , "B ecause of my baby-face, no one will take me seriously unless I put some make up on ." , "Because of ______ no one will ever want to marry me." Sometimes I push the thoughts aside, but many times...they weigh heavily on me throughout the day; damaging my self esteem a lot. Today I thought hard about it and asked myself a new question: "What if I said the horrible things that I keep ...


Sometimes I wish I had a rewind button. Cliché, I know. Don't we ALL wish that at some point? When you think about it, though, if you went back in time and changed those things that you didn't want to many things in your life would be different now. Everything that happens in our lives effects our future, so it's pretty important to take decisions seriously. Even if it's something seemingly small, like, 'should I eat that mushroom?' Well, if you don't even know what kind of mushroom it is...DON'T eat it. It's probably poisonous, or super gross. Poisonous mushrooms are pretty common. Don't eat random mushrooms y'all. Ehm, moving on... Regret is a rough feeling. We all have to deal with regret in life. Whether it's about something serious, or just an every day thing. Big, or small. Like something important, 'Man, I really regret not telling my mom I loved her before I left for work today." or in my case, an every da...

Education is beautiful!

Hello, everyone! It has been a long time since I have made any posts on this blog. I apologize for that. The Lord has been teaching me a lot, and I've been through a lot of changes this year so far. I hope y'all have been happy and in good health. This blog post may be short, but, I wanted to talk about a topic that has been on my mind quite a lot recently. For a while in the early high school years, I grew tired of the 'same old subjects' which were mandatory to study, such as algebra, chemistry and...(well, pretty much any subject I struggled in.) I would think silly things such as, " After I graduate, I NEVER want to do school again! " or " Who even NEEDS algebra, anyway ?". (I know, so silly.) Through the many hours of dreaded schoolwork and studying, I would daydream about being a 'real adult' who got to truly 'live life to the fullest'. As an adult, I wouldn't 'always have something important to get done....

12 Things I Have Learned This Year

Hey there, lovely people! Well, believe it or not, yet another summer has flown by. I can't be the only one who feels like they JUST woke up to a new summer, full of excitement, hopefulness and those 'summer bucket lists'. Let's be honest though...who actually checked all the boxes off their list? I know I didn't. Things rarely go the way we imagine they will. That's one thing we can be thankful for though, right? Sometimes surprises can be wonderful, and refreshing. In life we make lots of mistakes or go through heartache; which we soon see are either lessons, or blessings in disguise. For a long time one thing I could not stand whatsoever: was change. However, I'm starting to see more and more that change can be beautiful. Places, people, our opinions and views on many things change. We may see the change as something terrible, unacceptable, or even frightening at first. More often than not, they are actually something we can learn a lot...