12 Things I Have Learned This Year

Hey there, lovely people!

Well, believe it or not, yet another summer has flown by.
I can't be the only one who feels like they JUST woke up to a new summer, full of excitement, hopefulness and those 'summer bucket lists'. Let's be honest though...who actually checked all the boxes off their list? I know I didn't. Things rarely go the way we imagine they will. That's one thing we can be thankful for though, right? Sometimes surprises can be wonderful, and refreshing.

In life we make lots of mistakes or go through heartache; which we soon see are either lessons, or blessings in disguise.
For a long time one thing I could not stand whatsoever: was change.
However, I'm starting to see more and more that change can be beautiful. Places, people, our opinions and views on life..so many things change. We may see the change as something terrible, unacceptable, or even frightening at first. More often than not, they are actually something we can learn a lot from.

Here are 12 things I have discovered, and know more than ever now:

1. It isn't weak to cry. It is healthy and can actually help you feel better.
So get a container of ice cream, turn on your favorite song and just let it out. We have so many different emotions and thoughts. Don't keep them all bundled up inside. Cry. Jesus wept, too.{John 11:35}

2. You are not a robot. Don't try to act emotionless.
You are not perfect. No one is. It's completely normal to feel sad, happy, hurt, lonely, angry (as long as you don't sin)... etc. We have our troubles and our rough times. You don't have to be so strong that you feel like you're not aloud to admit that you struggle. As humans, we are vulnerable. I used to feel like letting others see my emotions was weak, so a friend of mine would often play me this song: https://youtu.be/mH39MMZXkNM

3. All though expressing emotion and being honest is important, your emotions should not control you. It's important to be kind to others.
Try to find a balance. You may be feeling like saying, "I can't stand you, you're arrogant and annoying!" or pointing out someone's flaws when they frustrate you. It is rarely worth it though. Pretty much every time you react badly to someone because of your own emotions, you end up making yourself feel worse and  also hurting them. Your pain and emotions should not be used as an excuse to mistreat other people. Chances are they are also hurting, and who knows, maybe they have gone through something similar to what you are going through. As Christians we must try to show love to all, even if they do not deserve it in our eyes.
{Proverbs 10:12 , Luke 6:27-35}

4. There is a time have fun, but there is also a time to be serious and responsible.
Spending the entire day watching that season of your new favorite show, going to the mall and spending half of your paycheck, doing that activity you know isn't morally right, scrolling through Tumblr for hours, or spending weekdays with friends when you should be studying...yep, they all can be super fun things to do. Don't forget to ask yourself though, "Should I really be doing this?", "As a Christian, is this damaging my spiritual life?", "I will enjoy this today, but will it negatively effect my life in the future?". These are all good questions to ask. Don't let the fun consume you.
Study for that exam, do that seemingly never-ending pile of laundry, don't skip leg day, eat your greens, try to go work and school with a positive mindset... and live with your future in mind.
All things in moderation, right? (:

5. You can express yourself in so many ways.
We often express ourselves through words. Be it singing, speaking, poetry, other writing...it's lovely to express our emotions in these ways. Don't limit it to just those ways, though! Dance, paint, draw, try other crafting such as poetry and sculpting, photography, play an instrument, laugh, jump, cry, smile, hug, pray...and the list goes on and on, dears! Even if you don't know how to do it like a pro, it's still your own unique , beautiful expression. 

6. If you are feeling very emotional or angry, it is often best to keep quiet instead of lashing out.  {Proverbs 29:11}

7. God's word is the most comforting thing you will ever read. Go to Him for sanctuary.
Although the world can be lovely, and the words of people can make you feel better, but nothing is comparable to His love and acceptance.

8. Your past mistakes, heartache, and trauma does not define who YOU ARE.
Everyone has done things in their past that they deeply regret.
It doesn't mean you have to dislike yourself now. You are strong and I bet you that you have come a long way since that point in your life. It was a learning experience. "It's a mistake, when life hands you a tough lesson, to think that you can get back at life by not learning it." ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
Those painful memories were stepping stones to your future. They may have hurt a lot. They may have changed your personality, for better or for worse. They may have hurt you so deeply that you feel you'll never truly be 'happy'.
Sometimes we have to have joy instead of focusing on happiness. "Joy isn't just a smile or a laugh. Joy is something that is deep within and doesn't leave quickly. When we have the joy of the Lord, we'll know it and so will others." When you are feeling empty, when you are having a panic attack or you feel as if there is no recovery, remember that through the love and joy the Lord gives; you will ALWAYS have hope, and a future. {Jeremiah 29:11}

9. It may feel like it at times, but self harm is not the answer.
Nor will it ever be. This took me a long time. I am not perfect. In fact I still struggle with it a lot, as I know many people do.
I understand how much of an addiction it can become and I'm going to be blunt: it will only make things harder and it will only negatively effect your life. It helps to talk to someone about it.

10. Just because you can be a deep thinker, doesn't mean you can't also be a deep feeler.
People tend to think that someone is just one 'type'. It isn't true. Our minds are very advanced and you are many things. You are an absolutely beautiful, complex creation that is made in His image.

11. Fitness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but don't overdo it.
It's great to be fit. A healthy, well balanced fitness routine is a vital part of life, and you will benefit from it physically and mentally. Just don't get caught up trying to look like that girl on the magazine cover or the toned guy on that fitness billboard.
Your body is not only the temple of The Lord, but also a masterpiece formed by His hands. Don't push it to a breaking point or abuse it. You shouldn't neglect it, either. Don't hate it or wish you had someone else's.
Yours is beautiful.

12. People will hurt you, and betray you. In life you lose people. The ones who truly love you will try their best to stay.
We all lose friends. Because of silly arguments, hidden anger, loss of interest and difference of personality traits, etc. A loss of a friendship can be very saddening, but there is a reason it didn't work out. We also lose people we love dearly to death. Although it is very painful we must stay strong.

 People will hurt you in small, or terribly large ways. It can be incredibly hard. They will hurt you on different levels...the pain can range from stabbing, searing or throbbing. It can be sharp or dull. Long or short.
You don't have to let it create bitterness in you. We must learn to forgive those who hurt us. Whether it was something big or small.
You are stronger than you will ever know. You have the capacity to deeply love and care. To forgive. To be brave. To be kind.
There is beauty in everyone. You may have to search to find it, but it is there. There is a capability to understand the feelings of others. Search within your heart and within The Word and you will find that you CAN BE the person you aspire to be. Christ will heal your heart.  

Smoochies! Here is a motivational video for you today. Whateveer you are going through, you can get through it. You are worth so much. You have people who love you. Don't give up. (:

With much love,
Kat Snodgrass


  1. So inspiring! Makes me think about what I've learned this summer. 👍😊


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