Education is beautiful!
Hello, everyone! It has been a long time since I have made any posts on this blog. I apologize for that. The Lord has been teaching me a lot, and I've been through a lot of changes this year so far.
I hope y'all have been happy and in good health.
This blog post may be short, but, I wanted to talk about a topic that has been on my mind quite a lot recently.
For a while in the early high school years, I grew tired of the 'same old subjects' which were mandatory to study, such as algebra, chemistry and...(well, pretty much any subject I struggled in.)
I would think silly things such as, "After I graduate, I NEVER want to do school again!" or "Who even NEEDS algebra, anyway?". (I know, so silly.)
Through the many hours of dreaded schoolwork and studying, I would daydream about being a 'real adult' who got to truly 'live life to the fullest'. As an adult, I wouldn't 'always have something important to get done.' (jokes on me. I always have something important to get done.)
I may have thought then that soooo many things I learned were soooo boring and that I couldn't wait to be done studying said, however, I am so grateful I got to learn about those many interesting topics. I wish I never took education for granted.
Lately, I can't get enough of some subjects. I keep wanting to learn. Anything and everything...about the world, about the earth, about different cultures...or just something new and exciting.
Learning is not a chore, it is a wonderful opportunity!!!
Receiving an education is a blessing, and a privilege.
I realize now that I can learn anything I want, if I just take the initiative. There is an unbelievable amount of knowledge to be acquired.
Thanks to the internet, numerous libraries, and the many schools that offer higher learning opportunities; it's now easier than ever to learn new things. Yay!
Be it advanced literature, mathematics, religion, culinary arts, underwater basket weaving, architecture, mushroom gardening, legal studies, street-fighting mathematics, the textual appeal of Tupac Shakur, Japanese swordsmanship, the arts, finance, scuba diving, engineering, marketing, computer science, physics, tae kwon do, photography, pet grooming, world history, or the art of the french mani-pedi...whatever your passion may be, YOU can learn more and more about it!
There will always be awesome opportunities to learn new things or continue learning about something you really like; so why not take those opportunities?
Is there anything you heard of today, yesterday, or this week that just stood out to you and made you wonder, "Why don't I know more about that?" Maybe it's something like "what is the worlds smallest fish?" or "the worlds largest serving of nachos?" possibly even "the fundamentals of real estate"? Yeah? Well, go ahead! Look it up! Learn!
Well, thank you for taking time to read a sleep deprived, loopy-from-painkillers, crazy girl's blog post. Hopefully some of you will ignore my atrocious grammar and choose to go and learn something new today! Much love, smoochies!
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela